Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 15.07.23

1. Introduction

Welcome to TopAppService, operated by Hanganu Constantin. We recognize and respect your personal data and are committed to protecting your privacy. This policy sets out the types of personal information we collect, its usage, and the measures to safeguard your data.

2. Data Collection

a. Information You Provide Directly:

Contact information when you contact us.
Feedback or user-generated content.
b. Automated Information Collection:

Device Information: OS, device type, model, manufacturer, and unique device identifiers.
Usage Data: User actions, features accessed, session duration, crash reports, and other diagnostic data.
Location Data: Depending on your device settings, we might collect geographical data.
3. Third-party Services

Our app integrates several third-party services for improved functionality:

Google Services:
AdMob: For targeted ad delivery.
Google Analytics: For app performance and user activity assessment.
Crashlytics: To analyze and resolve app malfunctions.
Facebook Services:
Facebook Analytics: To analyze user activity and trends.
Facebook Ads: For ad delivery and performance analysis.
These third-party services might collect data as per their policies. We recommend reviewing their privacy policies for more information.

4. Data Use & Sharing

a. Internal Use:

Enhancing app functionalities.
Delivering personalized user experiences.
Addressing support queries.
Internal research and analytics.
b. Sharing with Third Parties:

We do not sell or rent your personal data.
Data shared with third parties is solely for the purpose of improving service delivery and app functionality.
5. Data Protection & Security

Your data security is a priority:

We adopt industry-standard measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, or data breach.
Though we aim for 100% security, transmissions over the internet are never entirely secure.
6. User Rights

You can:

Request access to your personal data.
Request correction or deletion.
Object to our usage of your data.
Limit or restrict its use.
Withdraw consent at any time.
7. Changes to this Policy

We may periodically update our privacy policy. Notifications will be made via our app or email. Your continued use signifies acceptance.

8. Contact Information

For privacy concerns, reach out to us at: